
Sermons and Discourses, 1743–1758 is unavailable, but you can change that!

This wide-ranging volume covers the final fifteen of the thirty-three years that Jonathan Edwards preached and includes some of his greatest sermons—including his “Farewell Sermons” to his Northampton congregation. The period is defined by Edwards’ inventive strategies to improvise during the delivery of his sermons. Considering dependence on the written text in the pulpit to be a serious...

life].”7 And besides, true grace naturally tends to peace and quietness as it settles things in the soul in their due order: sets reason on the throne and subjects the senses and affections to its government, which before were uppermost and put all things into confusion and uproar in the soul. Grace tends to tranquility, as it mortifies tumultuous desires and passions, subdues the eager and insatiable appetites of the sensual nature and greediness after the vanities of the world. It mortifies such
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